
Outlining the project

The Plan
First of all I will try planning a few milestones in advance, where each milestone is a collection of features that needs implementing. I have yet to decide if after each milestone I release a version of the game for public consumption and will do so when I have something worth letting people play around with. The milestones as they are now can be seen below, but are subject to change as I progress.

1st Milestone
  -  Engine with basic infrastructure
  -  A functional graphics pipeline for 3D and 2D (GUI) rendering
  -  A functional input system for mouse and keyboard (Will be platform dependent unless I go with a library)

2nd Milestone
  -  Overworld map
  -  Player-npc system

3rd Milestone
  -  World generation and rendering

The game will be an RPG with MMO influences and prospects, by this I mean that the gameplay will remind you somewhat of an MMO (though no existing MMO) and I haven't quite shaken the idea that I can do some form of network play. I'm intending to try out many of the ideas that I've had over the years and some of them will not make their way into the final game, but work will be put into them and they will be showcased.here at the very least.

I want to be secretive about the design and instead of letting you know what I'm planning to do I'm going to tell you about things that I'm either working on or done with.

Just letting you know
Progress will be slow, and if I could I'd gladly do one update a day but reality will probably be more closely be around one update once a week to once every other week (depending on ho much time I get to myself.

Coming next...
Prep. for milestone 1: OpenGL, platforms and engine design

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