
Game AI - Finite State Machine

I have long had an interest in Game AI. My favorite AI is probably the AI for the creature in Black and White (the first one). I really liked that you were able to teach your creature and it had it's own personality. Training it was frustrating but when you eventually finished it was incredibly rewarding.

Finite State Machine
The finite state machine is nothing like the creature AI in Black and White. A FSM is an architecture or a mindset that allows you to break down an agents behavior into different states. An agent is an NPC or a monster. Each of these states are usually mutually exclusive, which means an agent is only in one state at a time. For example if you have the states Attacking, Fleeing and Searching then the agent would only be doing one of those things at a time. Thinking about creating any one of these states should make you realize that it seems a lot more manageable than trying to just throw together a script that does all that at once. This is why this is so commonly used, it's a simple way of breaking down code into manageable chunks.

Example of a simple state machine

So when do we change from one state to another? Each state has conditions that when fulfilled prompts a change to a different state. In the example you could change from Attacking to Fleeing if the agents hp drops below 10% then start to flee, and if you lose track of where the player is you switch to Searching. The simplest way of doing a transition is to pass in the state manager into as a parameter in the update function and then just do the tests and make the transition.

Please note that the following source code is not the best way of implementing a FSM, the code is designed to be as compact and as intuitive as possible.

The state manager is the class that collects all the different states and keeps track which one is active. All states components of this class.



class State;

class StateManager
State* states[STATE_COUNT];
int current_state;

void ChangeState(int state_id);

void Update();



#include "StateManager.h"
#include "State.h"
#include "StateBehaviours.h"

states[STATE_ATTACKING] = new StateAttacking();
states[STATE_SEARCHING] = new StateSearching();
states[STATE_FLEEING] = new StateFleeing();

StateManager::~StateManager() {}

void StateManager::ChangeState(int state_id)
{ if(state_id < STATE_COUNT) current_state = state_id; }

void StateManager::Update()
{ states[current_state]->Update(this); }

This is the abstract base class for all states, it defines the protocol by which the state manager communicates to each state. Add things here if you want the state manager to be able to do more with each state.

#ifndef STATE_H
#define STATE_H

class StateManager;

class State
virtual ~State() {};
virtual void Update(StateManager* state_manager) = 0;

#endif // STATE_H

Instead of creating 3 different headers for the 3 different classes just for the sake of compacting the code down a bit I put them all in one file. We make sure that all states here implement the update function defined in "State".


#include "State.h"

class StateAttacking : public State
void Update(StateManager* state_manager);

class StateSearching : public State
void Update(StateManager* state_manager);

class StateFleeing : public State
void Update(StateManager* state_manager);


This is where you add all your behavior, we have minimal compile dependencies so any change here will only affect this .cpp file. How you get access to the player class you'll have to figure out on your own, there are many ways of doing it and it's up to you to figure out which ones work best for your specific problem.

#include "StateBehaviours.h"
#include "StateManager.h"

// ATTACKING --------------------------------------------

void StateAttacking::Update(StateManager* state_manager) {
if(hp < 10)

// SEARCHING --------------------------------------------

void StateSearching::Update(StateManager* state_manager) {}

// FLEEING ----------------------------------------------

void StateFleeing::Update(StateManager* state_manager) {}

University, Game Development and Game AI

After a long hiatus I'm back. Up until recently I've been taking a Msc in AI from which I have dropped out. The program focused on research and machine learning algorithms seldom used in game development and after 7 weeks I felt it was a bad fit. I did however walk away with new knowledge and renewed enthusiasm for developing video games.

I have begun studying game AI more vigorously and I have a long list of algorithms that I want to try out, not least of which is GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) and Nav-Meshes.

In parallel to my AI experiments I'm applying for jobs, thus far I've only done a test for a game company but I hope I'll be called in for an interview.

Coming up next: Game AI - Finite State Machine